Funds Allocation and Disbursement


Your support will play a crucial role in providing immediate relief to the individuals and families 

affected by the ongoing crisis in Sudan. We are fully committed to transparency and ensuring 

that every donation makes a meaningful impact. 


  1. Food and Necessities: A significant portion of the funds will be allocated to providing essential

food items, clean water, hygiene products, and other daily necessities to those in need. This 

includes supporting local markets to make these items available to the affected population. 


  1. Medical Assistance: Funds will also be directed toward securing medical supplies, medications,

and healthcare services for those suffering from illnesses and injuries due to the conflict.

Our aim is to alleviate their suffering and ensure access to proper medical care. 


  1. Safe Shelter: We understand the importance of shelter and safety. Some funds will go towards

providing shelter for displaced families who have lost their homes. This may involve supporting 

existing housing facilities, setting up temporary shelters, or assisting in finding secure 



  1. Education and Support: A portion of the donations will be utilized to help children continue their

education and provide psychosocial support for individuals traumatized by the conflict. This 

includes school supplies, counseling services, and trauma-informed care. 


  1. Logistics and Distribution: To efficiently reach those in need, we will allocate funds for the

logistical aspects of relief operations, including transportation and the safe distribution of aid in 

conflict-affected areas. 


  1. Monitoring and Reporting: We are dedicated to ensuring accountability and reporting. A portion

of the funds will be utilized to monitor the distribution of aid, evaluate the impact, and provide 

regular updates to our generous donors. 


  1. Emergency Assistance: Your donations will enable us to respond rapidly to evolving situations

and emerging needs, allowing us to adapt our efforts to provide timely assistance where it's 

needed most. 


  1. Administrative and Overhead Costs: To ensure your contributions have the greatest possible

impact, we aim to keep administrative and overhead costs to a minimum, with a focus on 

 maximizing resources for direct relief efforts. 


Who You're Helping


Location as of October 6th, 2023  


Aisha ElTayib Omdurman 

Ahmed Al Majdi Omdurman 

Mustafa Al Majdi Omdurman 

Majdi Muhammed Omdurman  

Surayah ElSharief Omdurman 

Nuha ElSharief Omdurman  

Nahla ElSharief Omdurman 

Nahid ElSharief Omdurman 

Mahmoud ElSharief Omdurman 

Al Sadik Omdurman 

Muhammed Al Sadik Omdurman 

Sufiyan Al Sadik Omdurman 

Selman Al Sadik Omdurman 

Toma ElTayib Khartoum 

Muhamed ElTayib Khartoum 

Abdul ElTayib Khartoum  

Suha Omdurman 

Sennaht Omdurman 

Bukri Khartoum 

Muhamed Khartoum 

 Ahmed ElSharief



Passport (required to extricate) $70 

Bus Ticket (required to extricate) $325 



Safe Zones




Port Sudan- East Coast 

Atbara (NE of Omdurman) to Wad Halfa (Northern Borner to Egypt) 



Passport (required to extricate) $70 

Bus Ticket (required to extricate) $325 




Our commitment is to utilize the funds prudently and efficiently, ensuring they directly benefit 

the people affected by this crisis. We understand the urgency of their situation and are 

determined to make a positive change in their lives. 

Thank you for your generous support and for joining us in this mission to make a difference in 

the lives of those who are suffering. Together, we can provide hope, relief, and help rebuild the 

future for the people of Sudan.